America and Political Islam – Clash of Cultures or Clash of Interests
The New World Order
Christianity, Islam, and Orisha Religion
Sunset in Biafra
Osun Across the Water – A Yoruba Goddess in Africa and the Americas
History of The Nigerian Army and Its Implications
My Life -Ahmadu Bello
The Nigerian 1963 Constitution
The Nigerian 1999 Constitution
Slaves and Slavery in Muslim Africa – The Servile Estate
Ibadan Empire — Toye Ogunyemi
The Dual Mandate in British Tropical Africa by Frederick John Lugard
Encyclopedia of the Middle Passage Greenwood Milestones in African American History (Toyin Falola, Amanda Warnock) (z-lib.org)
The Dual Mandate in British Tropical Africa — Frederick John Lugard
West African Kingdoms in the Nineteenth Century by Daryll Forde, P. M. Kaberry (z-lib.org).pdf
Wives of the Leopard Gender, Politics, and Culture… Kingdom of Dahomey by Edna G. Bay (z-lib.org).pdf
You must set forth at dawn a memoir by Soyinka, Wole (z-lib.org).epub.pdf
Awon Asa ati Orisa Ile YORUBA
Colonialism and Violence in Nigeria by Toyin Falola (z-lib.org)
_Ifá_ A Forest of Mystery
A Civilised Savagery Britain And The New Slaveries In Africa
A dance of the forests
1958 London Conference
Yoruba Women A Historiographical Study
Yoruba Religion and Medicine in Ibadan
Yoruba Gurus Indigenous Production of Knowledge in Africa
White Paper: The New Political Alignment in Western Nigeria 1964
Where Women Work A Study of Yoruba Women in the Marketplace and In the Home
Warfare Slavery and The Transformation of Eastern Yorubaland
Urbanization-and-political-change-the-politics-of-Lagos 1917-1967
Traditions Documents and the Ife Benin Relationship
The Yoruba Diaspora in the Atlantic World
The Yoruba New History
The Sociology Of The Yoruba
The Slave Coast of West Africa 1550 1750 The Impact of the Atlantic Slave Trade on An African Society By Robin Law
The Scramble Of Nigeria A Linguistic Perspective
The Owu Factor In The History Of Ibadanland
The Legacies Of J.S Olawoyin
The Irony of Indirect Rule in Sokoto Emirate Nigeria 1903 1944
The Forgotten Victims: Ethnic Minorities in the Nigeria-Biafra War, 1967-1970
The Educated Elite In The Nigeria Society 1
The Awolowo: Akintola Leadership Tussle
Socrates and Orunmila Two Patron Saints of Classical Philosophy
Settler Colonialism Then And Now
Potsherd Pavements In Yorubaland
Parties And Politics In Northern Nigeria
Palm Oil And Protest An Economic History Of The Ngwa Region South Eastern Nigeria 1800-1980
Oruko Yoruba C L Adeoye
Ojukwu S Rebellion And World Opinion
Oil Politics And Violence Nigerias Military Coup Culture 1966-1976 Max Siollun
Notes On The Tribes Of Northern Nigeria
A Mouth Sweeter Than Salt
Mother Is Gold Father Is Glass Gender And Colonialism In A Yoruba Town
Lugard Dual Mandate
The Laws and Customs Of The Yoruba People
Laura Paul Bohannan: The Tiv Of Central Nigeria
Kingdoms Of The Yoruba 3rd Edition
Imperial Crises And Their Effect On The Status Of Islam In Yorubaland In The Nineteenth Century
Ifa: An Exposition Of Ifa Literary Corpus
If A Forest of Mystery
History of the Yorubas
History of Ekiti (From the beginning to 1939)
Eweka Dynasty
Everyday People Autochthony And Indigene Settler Crises In Lagos Commodity Markets
Encyclopedia Of The Yoruba
1902 Northern Nigeria Report
Does Diversity Hurt Democracy
Dahomey And Its Neighbours 1708-1818
Class Ethnicity And Democracy In Nigeria The Failure Of The First Republic By Larry Diamond
City Of 201 Gods If In Time Space And The Imagination Jacob Olupona Z Lib
British Rule And Indigenous Organization In Nigeria A Case Study In Normative Institutional Change
Blier Cosmic References In Ancient Ife
Art in Ancient Ife, Birthplace of the Yoruba
Between The Ethnic And The National
African States Citizenship and War: A Case Study
A Tropical Dependency
The Grand Chessboard
Voice Of Reason
A History Of Nigeria
Nigeria: Background to Nationalism
Gazette on Northern and Western Nigeria Boundary
The Problems of Africa
Thoughts On The Nigerian Constitution
Path To Nigerian Freedom
Art and Risk in Ancient Yoruba
ANCIENT IFE: a Reassessment
A History of the Yoruba People
The Strategy and Tactics
Voice of Wisdom
A Dictionary of the Yoruba Language
Just Before Dawn