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Mother Is Gold Father Is Glass Gender And Colonialism In a Yoruba Town

 Author: Lorelle D. Semley  Category: Demo, Geo-Politics, History, Journals, Literature, Nigerian History, Philosophy, Politics, Religion, Yoruba History More Details

During my third extended research trip in Kétu, Bénin, in the fall of 2006, when I asked people to explain the Yoruba proverb “mother is gold, father is glass” (ìyá ni wúrà, bàbá ni dígí), they invariably told me a story.1 An elderly woman explained that a mother would never let her child go hungry. “A mother’s love is different from a father’s love,” she said. “A mirror—that breaks. The father is for everyone. The mother is your mother and she doesn’t want to change you.”2
