If A Forest of Mystery
Author: Nicholaj de Mattos Frisvold Category: Geo-Politics, History, Literature, Nigerian History, Philosophy, Politics, Religion, Yoruba History More DetailsIfá is a philosophy, a theogony, theology and cosmology rooted in a particular metaphysic that concerns itself with the real and the ideal, the world and its beginning. It is rooted in the constitution of man and the purpose of life and the nature of fate. Ifá is a philosophy of character. The philosophy of Ifá lies at the root of any religious cult or organization involving the veneration of òrìṣà. This book is about Ifá; a work that aims to present its cosmology and metaphysics as a philosophy which is designed to attract good fortune into our lives. Through stories and legends, divinatory verses and proverbs, this philosophy will be revealed piece by piece until the landscape has been laid open before you. Given the premise of this work, Western philosophies have also been referenced. This has been done in order to explain Ifá in more familiar terms to readers unfamiliar with African cultures at large and to give examples from the wisdom tradition of the West.