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A Tropical Dependency

 Author: Flora Louise Shaw Lugard  Category: History, Nigerian History, Politics More Details


It has become the habit of the British mind to think of the British Empire as a white empire. But, as a matter of fact, we all know that ours is not a white empire. Out of an estimated population of 413,000,000, only 52,000,000, or one In eight, are white. Out of a territory of 16,000,000 square miles, which extends over a quarter of the globe, about 4,000,000 square miles of the whole, lies within the tropics.

The administration of the quarter of the Empire cannot be conducted on the principle of self-government as that phrase is understood by the white men. It must be more or less in the nature of an autocracy which leaves with the rulers full responsibility for the prosperity of the ruled. The administration of India, where this aspect of the question has been long appreciated, is among the successes of which the British people is most justly proud. The work done by England in Egypt is another proof of our capacity for autocratic rule. We are justified therefore In thinking of ourselves as a people who may face with reasonable hopes of success still vaster questions of tropical administration.
