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Tales of Yoruba gods and heroes

 Author: HAROLD COURLANDER  Category: Demo, History, Literature, Nigerian History, Philosophy, Politics, Religion, Yoruba History

THE MYTHS, LEGENDS, AND TALES IN THIS BOOK WERE GATHERED over a period of several years from Yoruba storytellers and informants. Foremost among all those to whom I owe a debt of gratitude is Ezekiel Aderogba Adetunji, originally from Ilesha, now of Lagos, my principal informant and researcher. His enthusiasm and dedication in our pursuit of Yoruba legends and heroic tales, as well as his patience in checking and verifying narratives requiring background or further explanation, were important elements in the making of this book. Without his unstinted help and participation, this collection would surely have been much more difficult to achieve.

The Dual Mandate in British Tropical Africa — Frederick John Lugard
