This report was written on my way home last May, and I very much regret the delay which occurred in...

This book is about the British campaigns against the new slaveries of European imperialism in Africa in the late nineteenth...

I know when I was born; I mean to say that there are some people who know when I was...

This article, first given as a talk to a seminar of the Uganda Parliament in 2000, is a reflection on...

Artists the world over shape knowledge and material into works of unique historical importance. The artists of ancient Ife, ancestral...

This study investigates the discursive construction and politicization of ethnic and other sub-national identities in Nigeria, starting from the post-WWII...

This study investigates the discursive construction and politicization of ethnic and other sub-national identities in Nigeria, starting from the post-WWII...

THIS ESSAY CONSIDERS one of the most important Yoruba cosmological referents, the plan of the capital Ile- Ife and its...

THEORISTS of Indirect Rule assumed a relationship between colonial strategy and the degree of political development in African tribal societies.1...

Many African and religious studies scholars who, like myself, have grown up in indigenous traditions and have been educated in...

As the most populous nation in Africa, with perhaps a fifth of the continent's entire population, Nigeria is inevitably a...

This book grew out of a Ph.D. thesis submitted to the University of London in October 1963. Its aim is...

While reporting recently on his organization’s annual survey of political rights and civil liberties around the world, Freedom House president...

This single volume of Encyclopedia of the Yorùbá is the very first to present materials on the Yorùbá in West...

Local markets in Nigerian cities are under-studied but ubiquitous and ancient sites of interethnic conflicts and cooperation of everyday people...

Until quite recently, all the known historical traditions about the origin of the Eweka dynasty of Benin were unanimous in...

Samuel Johnson (1846–1901) was an Anglican minister and historian renowned for his magisterial history of the Yoruba people. Born in Freetown in Sierra Leone...